Teenage Mental

Strength for Success

Invest in your teenager’s mental health

mindset conditioning for success

Positive Mental Health creates connections, increases self-worth & promotes gratitude


Positive Mental Health Coaching teaches teenagers to achieve success and persevere through difficult circumstances. A way to help achieve the highest level of success throughout the teenage years is by conditioning the mind to push through challenging situations and to manage anxiety along the way. 

The misconception about mental health is if you are not suffering from a mental illness, you must be OK. Teenagers deserve to be more than just OK!!! Teenagers are encouraged academically to succeed, physically to remain healthy and today we can support their mental health too. Positive mental health coaching supports their mind through the most challenging years of their life. Boosting a teenagers mental strength plays an enormous role in achieving health & happiness as it improves the necessary mental skills to excel in stressful situations.

Give your teenager the skills to handle the ups & downs in life …

Invest in your teenager’s mental health today – you won’t regret it.

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mindset conditioning for success

Manage Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety is common with teenagers but especially around exam time with senior students. The physical and psychological distress on a student who does not know how to handle the mind can be debilitating. The ability to normalise nervousness and calm the mind in times of anxiety is essential for achieving success.
mindset conditioning for success

The Victim Mentality

The victim mentality is easily justified in the mind and often shows up in the form of blame. The victim mentality is not a sign of weakness, it is a conditioned thought that can be changed. Looking to other people to determine how we feel, hands over all emotional power to someone else.
mindset conditioning for success

Power of the Prefrontal Cortex

The prefrontal cortex allows you to think about thinking and understand the connection between your thoughts and your emotions. This part of the brain is responsible for decision making, moderating social behaviour, supports mental health and personality expression.

Facts about Australian students aged 15-17yrs

(survey by Mission Australia – Youth Survey 2017)

**45.3% of students said coping with stress was there their number 1 personal concern.

**Mental Health was the 3rd barrier most students believe is what will prevent them from achieving their goals.

**Mental Health is the MOST important issue concerning young people today, an increase of over 13% from 2016.

The distinguishing feature of geniuses is their passion and dedication to their craft, and particularly, the way in which they identify, confront, and take pains to remedy their weaknesses. (Good, Rattan, & Dweck, 2008).

 MEANING … It’s not always what you start with that matters;

it’s your mindset that matters…

Positive Mental Health Training clears the mind to focus on what matters

Teenagers should not have to go it alone... it takes a team to ACHIEVE success

Clean thinking plays a major role in achieving positive mental health. Meditating is one way to help declutter thoughts to enable your teenager to make the best choices for themselves. But meditation is not practical when your teenager is in the middle of a crisis.  When teenagers learn different ways to think about stress and anxiety while understanding exactly what they can change – life becomes more balanced. 

When a student says, “I don’t think I can” – that will be their outcome achieved. Positive Mental Health Training changes these words to “I can and I will”.

Isn’t this what you want for your teenager? 

Why do teenagers need Positive Mental Health?

According to the Black Dog Institute, one in four adolescents show signs of anxiety and stress. Working on mental health helps prevent mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The World Health Organisation defines mental health as “s state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Mindset Conditioning develops a growth mindset and supports the mental health of the students. 

What is the Teenage Mental Strength Program all about? 

It is a program to build the mental health of teenagers throughout the school years to help cope with stress and all the pressures associated with life. Together we work on a range of topics including:

There is a topic for every teenager…

NB: This program is an online program which will stay available to the student until the end of 2019. A new training video is uploaded to the program every day for 10 days. All videos stay for the entire year so students can continually refer back to any video they choose. If you are enquiring for your school please contact Natalie on 0404 848 964.


Give your teenager the skills to handle the ups

& downs in life …

Invest in your teenager’s mental health today –

you won’t regret it.

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