Beginners Guide to

the 7 Energy Chakras

Let’s talk about energy chakras. Do you know how to balance your own energy to balance your life?

At the moment I have it in abundance and if I am being truthful, I usually have lots of energy. I have been researching the 7 chakras lately and now realise how my thoughts control the energy that flows through and around me. Hey, I have pretty positive thoughts most of the time – the glass is always half full in my eyes.

So what is a chakra? Imagine chakras as energy centres within your body. Each energy centre is shaped like a wheel, with blades constantly turning and overlapping each other. The body has 7 of these wheels of energy and these are called chakras. (Chakras in the ancient eastern language of Sanskrit means wheel). When these chakras are in balance, so too are our thoughts, energy levels and feelings about life.

What are the 7 chakras?

The Root Chakra: (Muladhara)

This is the first chakra found at the base of the spine and it is the foundation on which we build our life. The root chakra is associated with the following functions and characteristics:
  • Security, safety
  • Survival
  • Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
  • Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
  • Grounding
  • Support and foundation for living our lives
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the root chakra is imbalanced, the emotional ramifications can be related to:

  • Excessive negativity, cynicism
  • Eating disorders
  • Greed, avarice
  • Illusion
  • Excessive feeling of insecurity, living in survival mode constantly

The Sacral Chakra: (Swadhisthana)

The second chakra is found a few inches below the navel in the centre of the body and it is associated with the emotional body, sensuality and creativity. The sacral chakra can be related with the following psychological and behavioural functions:
  • Emotions, feelings
  • Relationships, relating
  • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
  • Feeling the outer and inner worlds
  • Creativity
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the sacral chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure
  • Being ruled by your emotions
  • The opposite: Feeling numb, out of touch with yourself and how you feel
  • Overindulgence in fantasies, sexual obsessions
  • Or the opposite: Lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Feeling stuck in a particular feeling or mood

The Solar Plexus Chakra: (Manipura)

The third chakra is found in the upper part of the belly, where your diaphragm rests and is about radiating your power in the world through the expression of will,  personal power and mental abilities. The Solar Plexus chakra main meanings are related to:
  • Will, personal power
  • Taking responsibility for one’s life, taking control
  • Mental abilities, the intellect
  • Forming personal opinions and beliefs
  • Making decisions, setting the direction
  • Clarity of judgments
  • Personal identity, personality
  • Self-assurance, confidence
  • Self-discipline
  • Independence
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the Solar Plexus chakra is imbalanced, it can show up in emotional and physical ways such as:

  • Excessive control and authority over your environment and people
  • Or the opposite in case of deficiency or blocked energy: Feeling of helplessness, irresponsibility
  • Being obsessed with minute details, seeing life through a filter of plus and minuses while losing sight of the whole picture
  • Being manipulative
  • Misusing your power
  • Lack of clear direction, lack of purpose or ambition
  • Making plans or having a lot of ideas without finding efficient ways to realise them

The Heart Chakra: (Anahata)

The fourth chakra is found in the centre of the chest, alongside the heart and is about compassion, love and beauty. The Heart chakra is often related to:
  • Love for oneself and others
  • Relating, relationships
  • Compassion, empathy
  • Forgiveness, acceptance
  • Transformation, change
  • Ability to grieve and reach peace
  • Compassionate discernment
  • Center of awareness, integration of insights
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the Heart chakra is imbalanced, difficulties can emerge in the following ways:

  • Being overly defensive
  • Feeling closed down
  • Jealousy; fear of intimacy
  • Codependency, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost
  • Always putting oneself in the role of the saviour or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into victimisation
  • Excessive isolation, being recluse, antisocial
  • Holding grudges, not being to forgive

The Throat Chakra: (Vishuddha)

The fifth chakra is found in the neck at throat level and is related to the principles of expression and communication. The Throat chakra is often affiliated with:
  • Expression, in particular, ability to express your truth, to speak out
  • Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal
  • Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities
  • Tendency to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality
  • Realising our vocation, purpose
  • Good sense of timing
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the Throat chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest in the following ways:

  • Lack of control over one’s speech; speaking too much or inappropriately;
  • Not being able to listen to others
  • Excessive fear of speaking
  • Small, imperceptible voice
  • Not being able to keep secrets, to keep your word
  • Telling lies
  • On the opposite side, a closed throat chakra might manifest as excessive secretiveness or shyness
  • Lack of connection with a vocation or purpose in life

The Third Eye Chakra: (Ajna)

The sixth chakra is found between the eyebrows, slightly above the nose and is the centre of intuition and foresight and driven by openness and imagination. The Third Eye chakra is often associated with:
  • Vision
  • Intuition
  • Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy
  • Psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience especially
  • Access to mystical states, illumination
  • Connection to wisdom, insight
  • Motivates inspiration and creativity
energy chakras

IMBALANCED: If the Third Eye chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest in the following ways:

  • Feeling stuck in the daily grind without being able to look beyond your problems and set a guiding vision for yourself
  • Not being able to establish a vision for oneself and realise it
  • Rejection of everything spiritual or beyond the usual
  • Not being able to see the greater picture
  • Lack of clarity

The Crown Chakra: (Sahasrara)

The seventh chakra is found on top of the head or slightly above it and is associated with the brain and the entire nervous system and has a strong connection back to the root chakra. The Crown chakra is often related to:
  • Consciousness
  • Awareness of higher consciousness, wisdom, of what is sacred
  • Connection with the formless, the limitless
  • Realisation, liberation from limiting patterns
  • Communion with higher states of consciousness, with
  • Ecstasy, bliss
  • Presence
energy chakras
  • IMBALANCED: If the Crown chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest in the following ways:
    • Being disconnected to spirit, constant cynicism regarding what is sacred
    • On the opposite side, an overactive crown chakra could manifest as a disconnection with the body
    • Living in your head, being disconnected from your body and earthly matters
    • Obsessive attachment to spiritual matters
    • Closed-mindedness

After reading about the 7 energy chakras, are you able to identify where you may be lacking balance in your life?

Linking up with Kylie for #IBOT

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